Are you giving away your personal power?
The word power can draw up an image of a strong person with aggressive tendencies and evoke a feeling of fear and inferiority. While that...
Transitioning into higher consciousness? Here are some things you can expect to experience
Transitioning from old self to new self can be very demanding on the emotions. I began awakening in May of 2014 when I made a conscious...
4 signs that show you have begun decalcifying your third eye!
The third eye chakra also referred to as the pineal gland, ajna (brow) chakra is a small endocrine gland in the geometric center part of...
Change your surroundings, change your life!
Have you been working the same job for a long time? What about seeing the same people consistently for years? Whether it be in a...
Bringing your darkness into the light
On the day that I made an awesome observation with the moon, I was feeling great, but deep down something was bothering me so I decided...